Product Information
Wembosoft-HF50 is a 5th generation hydrophilic silicone softner. Wembosoft-HF50 imparts excellent softness and good absorbency on treated substrates. Wembosoft-HF50 is used for cotton, polyester and their blends such as towels, yarn dyed shirting, knits and bottom weight fabrics.
Key Features & Benefits
Hydrophilic Imparts excellent softness and good absorbency
and redyeing is possible
Shear stable Can be used on soft flow machines and garment
washing machines
Very good evaporation
rate & improved wicking Can be used for moisture management finish
General Characteristics
Physical appearance Colourless to yellow viscous liquid
Ionic nature Nonionic
pH of 1% solution 5-6
Miscibility Miscible with water
Stability Stable to dilute acids and dilute alkalies
Compatibility Compatible with anionic, cationic and
nonionic products
Padding Process
Dosage* : 5-15 g/l
Pick-up : 65-70%
Bath pH : 5.0-6.0
Drying : 130-160 deg.C
Exhaust Process
Dosage* : 0.5-1.5%
Bath pH : 5.0-6.0
Bath Temp. : 30-40 deg.C
Time : 20-30 mins.
Dosages recommended are based on the concentrated product's strength.
Dosages of diluted product to be calculated on the basis of solid content.
Note:- pH of the bath should not exceed 6.5 (pH of the bath should be acidic
Storage: Store in cool, ventilated shed away from heat and direct sunlight. Storage temperature should not exceed 35 deg C.Close lids firmly to avoid contact with air and moisture.
Shelf Life: 9 months from the date of manufacturing, if stored under controlled conditions.
The information contained here in is offered in faith and is believed to accurate. however,because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control , this information should not be used in substitution for customers,s tests to ensure that our products are safe, effective,and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. suggestion of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent.
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